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27 May 2022

How do we profile an area to interest hydrogen investors?

BotH2nia’s operating environment theme group outlined a three-step model for attracting investors. The group met on 16 March at the BotH2nia goes Kokkola event.

How do we profile an area to interest hydrogen investors?

First, a definition needs to be made. It needs to be decided whether we are considering a particular sub-regional area, a region or the state.

Second, the vitality and potential of the area must be assessed from the investors’ point of view. It is not worth putting the same efforts into every area and municipality. It must also be accepted that each area has its own strengths. However, the strengths can be combined, which requires cooperation and shared ambition.

Thirdly, an analysis of the present situation should be carried out. The objective of the analysis is to determine the potential of hydrogen in that area. While the potential is being explored, it is also important to consider the role of hydrogen; whether it should function as pure hydrogen gas or whether it is to be further refined and utilised with the P2X solution process.

The industry in the area should also be examined in the analysis:

  1. What kind of industry does the area have, is it large-scale or smaller industry?
  2. Is it chemical, steel or wood industry, or something else?
  3. Is the industry currently producing and using gases and does it have the potential to exploit hydrogen?
  4. What potential does hydrogen have other than industrial use?

Once all the above steps have been completed, it is time to begin one of the most important ones, communication. When developing a plan for communication, we need to think about the target group and the message we want to put out. Effective communication helps to reach each target group with the right message.

It is important to continue this work and discussion in the BotH2nia network.