Let’s talk about hydrogen – Save the date for BotH2nia goes Lappeenranta 7-8 Nov
BotH2nia is a cross-border, public-private network for building a hydrogen economy around the Baltic Sea. An important part of the network's activities are visits to different localities. During these visits, network members can see what specific hydrogen-related strengths different regions have. In turn, new local organisations learn what kind of a bigger picture they can be completing.

So far, the network has visited Vaasa, Kokkola, Oulu and Raahe. It can now be announced that in the autumn 2022, BotH2nia network is going to Lappeenranta on 7-8 November.
The City of Lappeenranta, together with LUT University, is organising a Future Energy Solutions event on 8-9 November. As a warm-up on 7 November, BotH2nia will visit industrial sites with hydrogen production, use, transport or storage – or at least with plans of such. At the end of the Future Energy Solutions "hydrogen day" on 8 November, the audience will hear from BotH2nia what role the hydrogen economy in Lappeenranta and the wider Baltic Sea region can play in the European green transition.
The program will be published once all parties have confirmed their participation. However, it is worth registering now to remember where you were going in early November Participation in the event programme is free of charge.