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28 October 2024 | News

€24.9 million grant for Elcogen from the EU Innovation Fund

Estonian-Finnish Elcogen is on the 2024 EU Innovation Fund grant awards list. Elcogen will utilize its €24.9 million grant to scale the manufacturing capacity of SOEC and SOFC cells and stacks in Tallinn, Estonia.

€24.9 million grant for Elcogen from the EU Innovation Fund
Elcogen Solid Oxide Cell and Stack. Credit: Elcogen/Raigo Pajula

Elcogen has already started enlarging its production capacity in Tallinn. On 18 June, the cornerstone for Elcogen’s new factory was laid in the Loovälja Industrial Park near Tallinn. The 14,000 square meter factory will significantly increase Elcogen’s current production capacity of solid oxide cells and stacks to meet the growing global demand for emission-free energy and green hydrogen-producing fuel cells.

The factory is being constructed in collaboration with Maru Ehitus AS. Elcogen’s production capacity will increase from 10 megawatts to 360 megawatts following completion of the new facility. Construction of the factory began in January 2024, with production expected to start in mid-2025.

Elcogen is one of eight European electrolyser manufacturers which have been awarded grants to expand local manufacturing from the European Commission’s Innovation Fund as part of a €4.8 billion pot of funding announced on 23 October 2024.