
Why invest in the Baltic Sea region?

How to get investors to invest in hydrogen in your business and community?

Research and educationArrow_forward.svg

Training Calender

H2 research organisations in Sweden and Finland

Planning and permittingArrow_forward.svg

Where to find help for permitting?

Instructions for planning and permitting

Nordic answer for a greener future


The BotH2nia network aims to build a robust hydrogen industry around the Gulf of Bothnia and combine our resources to pursue this common goal. Here in the Nordics, we are better known for action than words, which means our greener future is already well underway. Our network unites over 100 organisations in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and other parts of the world, and new members are always welcome. If you want to be a part of the solution, join us - together, we will make a historical shift towards a smarter utilisation of natural resources.


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